Daily prices p.p. incl. VAT.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Beginner 33%
Medium 50%


01 May - 15 October


3,5 bis 4,5 Std. Gesamtzeit ~ davon 1,5 bis 2,5 Std. in der Schlucht

Start time

09:00h and 14:00h


From 10 years.
Under 10 years -> Family canyoning


Cancellation due to dangerous high water and heavy thunderstorms


4 to 10 participants per guide. Bookable for individuals and groups


Mit eigenem PKW!
Wir treffen uns im Camp in Lenggries und ihr fahrt mit dem eigenen PKW zur Parkplatz der Schlucht.


Die Anreise zur Schlucht ist mit ÖPNV nicht möglich. Habt ihr kein eigenes Auto dabei, nehmt gerne Kontakt mit uns auf


Begrüßung der Teilnehmer im Sport-Piraten Camp in Lenggries09:00h / 14:00h
Output material 👉 off to the locker room
Fahrt nach Tirol, nahe Sylvensteinspeicher mit eigenem PKW ca. 25 minutige Fahrt
Safety briefing

Beginners Canyoning Bavaria

approx. 10:30h / 15:30h
Voraussichtliches Ende der Canyoning Tourca. 12:30h / ca. 17:30h ± 45 Minuten
Rückfahrt ins Sport-Piraten Camp
Dry off and chill at the bar ✌️ approx. 13:30h / 18:30h


Thrills, fun and a great nature experience - welcome to beginner canyoning in Bavaria, near Lenggries! On this varied canyoning tour you will hike through a gorge along the course of the river.

Waterfalls, pools, slides and an impressive landscape await you. We meet for a welcome by our guides at Sport-Piraten Camp, where everyone receives their equipment.

After the transfer to the entry point and a safety briefing, you descend into the gorge and your canyoning beginner adventure can begin.

You jump into crystal-clear water pools, slide down natural slides, climb over rocks and trees or abseil and jump from heights of up to seven metres.

Don't worry, difficult parts can of course be avoided or abseiled. Everyone only does what they really dare to do. And if not on this day, then maybe the next time.

Beginner Canyoning Bavaria offers you a very special nature experience. Contact us and we will plan an excursion together with you that you will not soon forget!



  • Guided Canyoning Beginner Tour
  • Supervision by a Tyrolean gorge guide
  • Ausrüstung: Neoprenanzug 7mm (max. Größe XXL), Hüftgurt, Helm, Neoprensocken
  • Total duration approx. 4.5 hours
  • The pure tour time in the gorge is 2 to 2.5 hours. These times may vary due to group size, experience of the participants, weather and water level.
  • lots of fun

Participation requirements

  • Minimum age 10 years, minimum height 140 cm
  • Persons under 18 years of age only in the company of a parent or guardian or with a written declaration of consent. DOWNLOAD 
  • normal physical condition, no heart or cardiovascular problems
  • Canyoning kann für Personen mit Übergewicht sehr herausfordern sein. Sprecht uns gerne an, damit wir euch genauer beraten können.
  • Swimming skills
  • For safety reasons, persons under the influence of alcohol are not allowed to take part in the tour!
  • Aus Sicherheitsgründen dürfen Schwangere nicht an der Tour teilnehmen!

What you should bring

  • Sturdy shoes with good tread - preferably ankle-high. At the camp you can also rent shoes for 3,-€. From shoe size 35 to shoe size 48
  • Badebekleidung (Badehose/Badeanzug/Bikini)
  • großes Handtuch oder Umzieh-poncho 
  • Spectacle strap if required
  • Sun cream

Additional information

  • The beginners canyoning Bavaria tour will take place with a minimum of 4 participants. Otherwise an alternative date must be arranged.


Sport-Piraten Camp, Isarstraße 2, 83661 Lenggries


Why do canyoning for beginners in Bavaria?

Canyoning (also Schluchteln) is walking through a canyon from top to bottom in different variations. Through passive or active rappelling, jumping, sliding and swimming, you get through the gorges with neoprene, helmet and special harness. Canyoning originated in Spain and southern France in the late 1990s. In the U.S., canyoning is better known as canyoneering.
Every weekend, many people from the major Bavarian cities of Munich, Augsburg and Nuremberg are drawn to the foothills of the Alps to pursue their passion, outdoor sports. Bavaria's extensive border region with Austria offers numerous gorges for every demand and taste of a canyoning lover.

Beginner Canyoning Bavaria is an unforgettable adventure! However, it can be dangerous if you are not properly prepared. With our professional equipment (neoprene suit 7mm, hip belt, helmet, neoprene socks) as well as under the expert guidance of our canyon guides, the beginner canyoning Bavaria for beginners is, however, a safe and at the same time exciting outdoor adventure that all participants* will remember for a long time!

Can I book the appointment first without obligation?

Sure! Please contact us and we will take care of your non-binding reservation until 2 weeks before the date. 

Does beginner canyoning in Bavaria take place in all weathers?

Approximately 90-95% of the tours take place as planned.

Gorges are undoubtedly among the most beautiful landscapes in the world!
However, they also have their disadvantages: due to the fact that they have partially narrow places, the safety in the gorge is very dependent on the water level and its influencing factors. The amount of precipitation, melt water, weir openings, etc...

Safety has absolute priority. Sometimes it is only possible to predict on very short notice (1 to 2 days) before the tour whether the circumstances are suitable for the tour. As soon as we are sure if the tour can take place (or not), we will let you know! 

Do the tickets and vouchers expire if the appointment is cancelled?

No, the tickets and vouchers remain valid. In case of cancellation an alternative date will be arranged.

Am I in a group with my friends?

Yes! As long as you book under the same name, you will be assigned to the same group.

For bookings with different names, feel free to let us know.

How big are the groups? What is the minimum number of participants?
Der Gäste/Guide Schlüssel ist von Schlucht zur Schlucht unterschiedlich.

Bei unseren Einsteiger Schluchten haben wir jeweils i.d.R 10 Gäste max pro Guide.

Bei geschlossenen Gruppen geht es manchmal bis 12 Teilnehmer.
What is part of the equipment and what do I have to bring myself?
Provided by us:
  • 7-mm wetsuit
  • Climbing harness with self-belay.
  • Helmet
  • Neoprene socks
What do I need to bring ?
  • Swimsuit or trunks or bikini
  • Towel
  • 2 pairs of shoes: 1 pair of sturdy shoes for the tour, preferably ankle-high, which may get wet (e.g. hiking boots) and 1 pair of shoes for afterwards.
  • optional: functional shirt for under the neoprene (no cotton)
Public access and parking

The meeting point is our camp in Lenggries. There you will be greeted and given the equipment.
The start of the Canyoning Bavaria Tour is in Austria and can be reached in 20 minutes by car.
This trip still has to be done with your own car.

If you are travelling by public transport, please let us know in good time before the tour so that we can organise a lift or taxi for you at your own expense.

Do we need any prior knowledge?

Standard swimming skills are a prerequisite for participation in this activity.
The tour is otherwise suitable for absolute beginners 😉

I am afraid of heights, can I still participate? What are the highest jumps?

Those who are afraid of heights, but want to fight their fear with a calm head, are welcome to join this tour.
Those who are afraid of heights and can't control themselves with panic should rather not participate.

All places above 1.5m height can either be bypassed or abseiled.

What happens at the exit of the gorge? End of the tour?

After the experience in the gorge, we drive back to our camp together. There the material is washed and sorted.

Are showers available?

2 cold water showers are available.

What happens to my belongings during the tour?

Everything is locked up in our own car or in our camp.

Are there any refreshment stops after the beginner canyoning tour in Bavaria?
Yes, in Lenggries there are rustic and hearty inns, beer gardens and restaurants. When the weather is nice, the within walking distance Dorfschänke sehr empfehlenswert. Zudem dürft ihr euch gerne ein kühles Bier bei uns im Camp gönnen. 🍺


102 Bewertungen für Einsteiger Canyoning Bayern

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Bewertet von 98 Kunden

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    Ich fand den Igo voll cool!! Er hat uns Sachen gezeigt, die ich noch nie gemacht hab!!
    Ich bin in der Klasse (6.) bestimmt der einzige der von einem 4m hohen Wasserfall gesprungen ist, sich über eine Schlucht abgeseilt hat, sich in einem Wasserfall abgeseilt hat und durch eine Schlucht gelaufen ist….

    Vielen vielen Dank Igo für so ein geniales Erlebnis!!!!

    22. September 2024
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    Ich (10) hatte am Anfang ein bisschen Angst vor den Sprüngen und dem abseilen, aber der Igo hat mir die Angst genommen und es hat ganz arg viel Spaß gemacht. Das machen wir auf alle Fälle nochmal! Nächstes mal möchte ich mal Rafting probieren ; )
    Danke Igo für deine tolle Art mit uns Kindern!!!

    22. September 2024
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    Das war das geilste Erlebnis EVER!!!! Vielen Dank an Igo, der sich so viel Zeit mit uns genommen hat!!! Meeega Tour, tolle Einweisung, lockeres Miteinander, super Guide und geniale Strecke!!!
    Wenn wir wieder in der Gegend sind jederzeit wieder, die Kinder (10 und 12) waren komplett begeistert. Danke für das Erlebnis!!!!

    22. September 2024

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